Some selected Galaxy Clusters in the Nearby Universe

Horologium-Reticulum Supercluster A (MSCC-117) and B (MSCC-115)

Hor-Ret (B) SCl
Hor-Ret (A2) SCl
Hor-Ret (A1) SCl
Hor-Ret (A3) SCl

Cluster Distribution of galaxies Projected density ICM Core Dominant Galaxy


Ng RA (°) Dec (°) z

A3104e A3104 dens - SDG 2MFGC_02678 s 10 49.033882 -45.391937 0.07208
A3104m A3104 dens RASS CDG LCRS_B031238.4-453620 S 38 48.590549 -45.420238 0.07266
A3104se A3104 dens - SDG LCRS_B031514.7-454323 s 5 49.237873 -45.540817 0.07392

A3112Bm A3112B dens RASS CDG ESO_248-G006 S 93 49.490250 -44.238213 0.07522
A3112Bn A3112B dens - SDG 2MASX_J03175343-4402295 s 7 49.472656 -44.041534 0.07952

S0334 S0334 dens - CDG LCRS_B031437.3-451814 L 22 49.085560 -45.121101 0.07430

S0336se S0336 dens - SDG LSBG_F248-020 s 7 49.654797 -45.166588 0.07743
S0336m S0336 dens - CDG LCRS_B031606.9-445855 L 37 49.459965 -44.800694 0.07752

A3158m A3158 dens RASS CDG ESO_156-G008_NED01 S 190 55.720634 -53.631302 0.05789
A3158se A3158 dens - SDG 2MASX_J03432968-5341316 s 20 55.873669 -53.692135 0.06200
A3158nw A3158 dens - SDG 2MASX_J03421179-5323273 s 16 55.549149 -53.390938 0.06214

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Under construction by César A. Caretta; last update: feb/2023